Cbd Gummies And Cbd Oil: Learn All About The Differences And Usage.

First of all, CBD stands for “Cannabidiol,” and is one of the most comprehensive compounds in the cannabis plant. Let’s get one thing clear, there are hundreds of different cannabinoids, but not all cannabinoids are equal to each other. Customers have responded that our CBD products are very satisfying, bringing calmness, clarity, and a great relief to their day.

However, let’s get back on track, we are here to discuss the one known as cannabidiol (CBD). The more research scientists perform on cannabidiol, the more evidence they find that could revolutionize the medical industry. The hemp plant is where both CBD oil and our gummies are harvested. Hemp is in the Cannabis plant family, and you already know the popular plant harvested from cannabis – marijuana.

However, while cannabidiol can come from both the hemp and marijuana plant, the hemp plant is known for producing CBD because hemp produces high quantities of CBD and low quantities of THC. On the other hand, the marijuana plant is known for its high quantity of THC and low quantity of CBD. So essentially, in origin, gummies and CBD oil come from the same plant, which is hemp.

Both gummies and oil activate the endocannabinoid system in your body. The chemical marriage that happens during this process is beneficial and valuable to your anatomy. The endocannabinoid system is an almost magical process which runs deep throughout the human body and touches a lot of our main response systems. Scientists are still discovering even more positive reactions when the body interacts with CBD, and what a healthy endocannabinoid system means to you.

Discrepancies between CBD Gummies and CBD Oil

When comparing CBD oil to CBD gummies, there is a difference. I have personally received many emails (this past week) where our community is wondering which of these would be better trying first. There are many scientific reasons behind why you should buy CBD oil and CBD gummies, but you are probably wondering which one would benefit you the most? It’s important to know the differences between the two.

Here are the differences:

On the other hand, our CBD oil is made from the entire hemp plant. This means a certain amount of THC does come with the oil when it’s harvested. In case you’re wondering, our CBD oil contains the legal limit of THC (.03%). Let’s move on to another important question the majority of people are wondering…Will CBD get me high? Will I pass a drug screening if I take CBD?

The idea of CBD started from the dawn of time when man began to look to plants for medicinal means, let me explain. THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive substance found in marijuana, the cousin of the hemp plant. CBD comes from the hemp plant and is harvested for the large amounts of cannabidiol, not THC. Therefore CBD gummies and CBD oil won’t get you “high.”

However, if you work at a job where they do random drug screening, you may want to stick with gummies instead of CBD oil, because the oil DOES contain a small amount of THC, and it’s always better to be cautious when it comes to drug screening.

A hearty dose of our CBD products can make the difference between a day that’s dragging or a day that makes you feel sustained, relieved, and happy. Support your overall health and give your body a charge it needs to survive the day.

Panakeia: The First Thc Free Cannabis Plant

The world today is split between those who have cannabis for the high it produces and those who are more interested in its medicinal benefits and not much into euphoria. For the latter, it is good news as a Florida-based cannabis company has found a way to produce a cannabis plant variation that is tetrahydrocannabinol-free (THC-free). Considering the strict hemp laws that are already in place which makes the life of CBD product producers difficult as they are only allowed to manufacture CBD products from plants with less than 0.3% THC content, this is good news for them as well.

Oglesby Plants International

Oglesby Plants International, a wholesale plant nursery in Calhoun County, Florida, is responsible for producing the world’s first THC-free cannabis plant. Florida A&M University approved the strain under an Industrial Hemp Pilot Project. Currently, the project is administered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Bazelet Oglesby, a subsidiary of Bazelet Health Systems and Oglesby Plants International, focuses on plant breeding, plant tissue culture, the propagation of young hemp plants, and plant-based product development. A patent has been issued under its name.

Panakeia and The Future of Cannabis

With no Delta-8 or Delta-9 THC and with a significant concentration of cannabigerol (CBG), Panakeia will have a remarkable commercial value. Bazelet Research has studied this molecule (CBG) for years. CBG is the decarboxylated form of cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), the parent molecule from which other cannabinoids are synthesized.

The Panakeia plants are expected to be ready for cultivation by 2021 which indicates that new CBD products from these plants would surely flood the US markets with an even better value proposition. The CBG compounds can be incorporated in a wide range of products including cosmetics, foods, and nutraceuticals. The continued legalization across the US and many other countries around the globe have given cultivators the freedom to develop new strains such as this that have distinctive properties. These innovations show us that there is much more to cannabis than just CBD and THC, and we should keep our eyes open to such changes.

Before CBD came into the picture, producers were focused on cultivating cannabis that was high in THC concentrations. However, a new population became cannabis consumers since CBD products flushed the markets. This section of consumers was not interested in the high that cannabis is most associated with rather was keener on the medicinal alternatives that CBD products claim to provide. Because of the mainstream CBD promotions and the increase in demand cultivators are constantly looking for new cross-breed products with even less THC. Much like craft beer, craft cannabis is something that will be more popular in the near future.

CBG in Details

Often called the mother of all cannabinoids, CBG’s acidic form CBGA is the compound from which all other cannabinoids are derived. CBG is present in small amounts, often below 1%, in most cannabis plants with either CBD or THC dominating depending on the type of plantations. There are however a few strains with higher CBG content such as Super Glue CBG, White CBG, and Jack Frost CBG. Younger cannabis plants are rich in CBG. In the later stages, CBD and THC are derived from CBGA, the acidic form of CBG. CBG has more things in common with CBD than THC. Unlike THC, CBG doesn’t produce euphoria or the high much like CBD. Due to the difficulty in extracting CBG from the plant, producers are trying cross-breeding and genetic manipulation to make the plant be inherently rich in the compound. One such outcome is Panakeia.


With new research studies showcasing the potential health benefits of medical cannabis and with the rise in new tech-savvy companies driving this industry forward, people are more aware today of the cannabis products and are more interested in trying them out than ever before. And this is only going to rise with the continued legalization of the medical use of marijuana. Panakeia is not just an innovation; it is the outcome of a trend to learn more about cannabis and the outcome of research that started over a decade ago.