By Rahul Rungta
Online continuing education, utilizing well-defined study materials, is beneficial for many professionals who need to renew their license through their respective agencies. Most professional licensees; therapist, counselors, social workers, nurses, engineers, certified public accountants, dental technicians, pharmaceutical technicians and more are required every 2-3 years to obtain a number of continuing education hours in order to renew and keep their existing state license or credential. Home study ceu and online ceu programs can help alleviate the stress that comes with needing to renew your license or state credential before it expires by offering courses in affordable and convenient formats as well as helping to improve professional knowledge with latest developments in their field.
One of the major benefits of online continuing education and the main reason for it’s growing popularity is it’s low cost and convenience in comparison to live seminars, conferences and workshops allowing participants to save money and study at home while completing their ceu requirements. Online ceu courses come in a variety of formats: text, audio and video allowing the licensee to utilize any computer to access the course material 24 hours a day.
Home Study continuing education can be conveniently completed at home by ordering a package through an approved ceu provider who will usually ship all the necessary material to complete a course: textbook, testing material and evaluation forms which are then mailed back to the provider for grading.
Certificates of ceu completion are obtained after successfully passing the online or home study course and in most cases can be downloaded from the internet immediately following a course. Other options for obtaining the necessary certificate for license renewal are by email, fax or U.S. mail.
Licensees will need to find a ceu provider who has been approved by their licensing agency in order to earn credit for courses taken. For example, as a national and state provider of online and home study ceus, Quantum Units Education is approved by the National Association for Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC), National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), Florida Board of Nursing, Florida Certification Board for Marriage and Family Therapists and Social Workers, Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners, Texas Board of Marriage and Family Therapists, Texas Board of Licensed Professional Counselors, California Board of Behavioral Sciences, California Board of Registered Nursing and many other state licensing boards. Licensees have a choice of approved ceu providers such as Quantum Units Education as long as the provider has been approved by their licensing agency to provide continuing education courses to their members.
Cost of online ceus tends to vary from as low as $3 per ceu hour and up to $10 per ceu hour. Many approved providers will offer discount group plans to employers or discount packages to licensees who need to take 30 or more continuing education hours.
Online and home study continuing education is fast becoming the wave of the future for professional licensees who want to save money and time when renewing their license or credential of specialization.
About the Author: More information about Quantum Units Education, Please visit us quantumunitsed.com and if you have any question about Quantum Units Education, feel free to drop us an email at quantumunitsed@gmail.com or call us at 877.665.3311
Source: isnare.com
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